홈 > 부서소개 > FLM

Department of Church 교회부서 소개

FLM / Full Life Ministry

We are the multicultural and multi-generational ministry of Sydney Full Gospel Church.

Our church believes in community and doing life together, just as God is three in one - Father, Son and Spirit.

We don't limit ourselves to our church community but to our neighbours in Sydney and the rest of the world. We believe in sharing the love and life that God brings to all people- rich or poor, young or old!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

Official Website : www.flm-sfgc.com.au

Main Hall
Service Time
1:30 pm
Facebook 풀라이프미니스트리 공식 페이스북

Full Life Ministry Facebook page